Time is money, your money
Companies are faced with the challenge that both the administrative effort and the personnel costs have increased enormously in recent decades.
Studies have shown that the average processing time for a business transaction, i.e. from the order, through the check of the delivery note, to the invoice run, takes around 10 minutes, despite the existing ERP systems!
But there is a solution now: EDIMATO!
With EDIMATO you get a helper that reads data, checks for deviations and forwards them to your ERP system fully automatically. Input errors, annoying multiple entries by hand and time-consuming data import are a thing of the past with EDIMATO.
Time is money, your money.
Specifically, what does EDIMATO bring to purchasing?
Specifically, what does EDIMATO bring to sales?
Get to know us! @
What is EDIMATO?
Put simply, EDIMATO is a platform on which suppliers and customers can exchange their business papers such as orders, delivery notes and/or invoices.
The contents of the business papers are exchanged directly with your ERP system, so that most manual entries are no longer necessary.
The special highlight is that EDIMATO is a network in which each individual member benefits equally from the increasing number of users, because everyone speaks the same "language".
More than 1000 business partners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are currently connected and benefit from the automated data exchange and the number is increasing every week!
Please send us an email if you would like to find out which companies are already communicating via EDIMATO (@).
A network of
1000+ companies
We are part of a network in which far more than 1000 companies participate. In principle, you can immediately exchange data with any of these companies via our network.
via EDI
For your communication, we provide many EDI formats such as EDIFACT, openTRANS, SAP IDocs etc. We can quickly adapt these formats in consultation with your business partners. You no longer have to deal with the details.
Extract data
from PDFs
With EDIMATO you can extract data from PDFs that you receive and make them usable for digital communication. This variant is very popular because you can quickly automate your data flow, even when the other side doesn't have time for it.
A portal
for everyone else
If you work with lots of smaller suppliers, our portal may be a good solution for you too. The suppliers can use it to quickly confirm your orders so that you are always up to date.
Suppliers and their customers have a simple and efficient way to automate their business processes with EDIMATO.
We are engineers for software.
We'll be happy to answer your questions.
Just send us an email to @.
Grundacherstrasse 18 | CH-6207 Nottwil | CHE-275.448.012
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